Ludwig was afraid of some of the bigger rides, though. This is him in his new raincoat - Danish design for kids is pretty cool.
Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2009
2 kids under 6
The big ship, part II
My kids steering the big ship.
The big ship
Viking convention
Here you can see our Siberian AuPair Larissa killing a Viking. By now she knows how to shut someone up (good thing!).
Freitag, 24. Juli 2009
Pure bliss
We spend so much time with the kids that we keep doing such important things as
jumping on the trampoline,
lying in the hammock
and building sand castles. It is quite amazing how much fun it is to spend time with the kids when you can really dive into the experience without being stressed out because of work or having to be somewhere on time. This morning Ludwig and I spent an hour (sadly it was the hour between 6 and 7) playing with a little ball - just rolling and throwing it back and forth. I probably was four when I did that the last time. Denmark rocks!
Oh - and my son loves the Danish flag so much that he tried to paint it on his body. Too bad it doesn't wash off, but then again he is busy doing other things like tasting salty water. He SO is daddys' boy.
Lissy seems to be more on the safe side with her wetsuit. She SO is my girl.
Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009
Taking over the house
Ever thought about exchanging your home during the holiday season? I strongly recommend it. Right now we are in Denmark and totally love it. We are living in a parsonage (pastors house) and it is SO nice and SO big. And there are SO many toys I didn't have to pack. Pure joy, I tell you.
Me in the kitchen.

This is everybody, just minutes before we were taking over the house. And everybody did this in his or her very own way.

Ludwig by getting used to new weapons.

Lis by creating a barbie retreat in the meditation room.

And the master himself at the Danish masters desk. Thanks for this wonderful home, Iben and Morten!!!
Samstag, 18. Juli 2009
Goodbye, ladies
Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2009
A pair of wellies and a bikini
Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2009
People I meet
Scrolling through my blog I realized that it almost looks as if I only spend time with my kids. That is so not true. A) I am working and b) I meet a whole bunch of people older than 5 every week. Let me give you some examples:
Meisun and me at RTL, having loads of fun.
Kati and Meisun (both Norddeich TV) and me as Charlies Angels. These girls rock.
Kristina has been a trainee and friend of mine since I started my very first company (meaning almost 10 years ago). Obviously she isn't a trainee anymore but the friendship remained. We were so excited to see each other again that we couldn't get one shot right.
And last but SO not least - my Julia, whom I miss every day. She used to be my husbands assistant but that doesn't AT ALL describe who she is and what she is able to do. Love her.

Freitag, 10. Juli 2009
Thanks, Affa
Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2009
At the fire department
As soon as we saw the first fire engine, we lost it. There was an open house at the fire department Riem in Munich last Saturday and we did it all: 
ride in the fire engine and

dress like fire(wo)men. After that, the kids needed a break and coloured some fire engine pictures while eating banana muffins and drinking lemonade.

Island of smiles
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